国立大学の豊橋技術科学大学での国際セミナーシリーズにて講演 / Lecture at the International Seminar Series at Toyohashi University of Technology
国立大学の豊橋技術科学大学での国際セミナーシリーズにて講演 をしました。講演後は、大学側が驚くほど、英語と日本語の両方で多数の質問がありました。少し時間を延長する形で、ギリギリまで可能な限り、質問に答えさせていただき、講演後には嬉しい感想もたくさん聞かせていただきました。参加者の皆さんにとても喜んでいただけて、本当に良かったです。
Kanako Akagi lectured at an international seminar series at Toyohashi University of Technology, a national university. After the lecture, there were many questions in both English and Japanese. She answered as many questions as possible until the very last minute, extending my time a little, and she received much positive feedback after my lecture. She is very glad that the participants were so pleased with the lecture.
Through this lecture, she realized once again that even science students and researchers who are good at logical thinking have problems with making a career in the age of AI and that my experience and way of thinking can be useful to them. She also sensed a high level of interest in entrepreneurship to lead a life of one’s own, and she would like to continue to generously share my thoughts and experiences to inspire people of all ages.